Welcome to Bar and Chambers

Bar and Chambers is an autonomous division of the London School of Economics (LSE) Law Society. We organise and run moots, as well as providing careers opportunities and support for students aspiring to practice at the Bar.

We run a variety of internal moots, both competitive and non-competitive. Our sponsored internal moots, organised in collaboration with law firms, chambers, and NGOs are exciting opportunities to develop mooting skills, as are our bilateral external moots with universities such as UCL, KCL and Warwick.  We also participate in external moots, some of which are run by the faculty, and some of which are supported by us.

Our committee for 2023/24 are also excited to host in-person interviews, presentations and networking events in collaboration with our firm and chambers partners for our members. 

Feel free to join our group chat to get updates and join our community of mooters and aspiring barristers, click here.

We look forward to seeing you at our events over the next year!

If you are an LSE student (law or otherwise) wanting to partake in moots or join our careers events you are most welcome! We simply require you have an LSESU Law Society membership, available here.